Labels:text | screenshot | font | line | parallel OCR: Process-Stop Procoss Name Records IAP Reconciliation-Data-Access Dollars Customers Procuse Spectic Audit Rules Reconciliation Status (Pass.Fall) Password Connect -to-Database( ) Reconcile IAP Reconciliation Balance Process Upstream-data LAP-Reconciliation Data Access Current Procoss-Data LA.P. Reconciliation -Balance Process() Downstream-Dala Balance Processen: ) LAP-Audit-Log Message MAP Log-Book( ) OBJECTS FOR THE RECONCILIATION PROCESS In MCI's IAP (see p.42). Process-Step is an onscreen place-holder for the reconciliation rules that exe- cute. Reconcile Is the controller object that sequences reconciliation-related interaction among all objects in the IAP. The IAP-Reconciliation-Data-Access object contains all the necessary information for accessing databases across the enterprise. The IAP-Reconciliation-Balance-Process object holds the Infor- mation on how to retrieve and evaluate data based on the rules for balancing. Based on results from this object, the IAP-Audit-Log delineates how and what to report to end-users.